Monday, May 13, 2013

A Prize.

you know that scene in arrested development when rita's uncle shows her her "prize" in a small wooden box, and she totally flips her shit?

turns out this "prize" is a foil-wrapped chocolate (girl, MR.F. or not, we've all been there). while my reward wasn't chocolate, it WAS a pair of isabel marant lazio boots for a cool 70% off.

even the box is beautiful.

i snagged these lovelies at the roan spring sale as a reward for getting a new job at woolly mammoth theatre company. shopping is an occasion for everything - sadness and joy.

in their goat-hair and suede glory
my mom thought i was insane for spending $350 on boots (LOL), but she didn't disagree with me that they were A) beautiful, B), indispensable (black goat-hair wedges? duh!), and C) terribly, exquisitely me. and since i was getting a new job and a raise, albeit by nonprofit standards, i clutched the box like a mother gripping her child. no one would take my prize from me. it's been love ever since.

since it's freezing here in DC, i decided to pull them out of their slumber and enjoy them while winter is acting like a drunk uncle at a party and JUST WON'T GO HOME.

pretending to be a french street-style goddess.
later this week, it's supposed to be 80 degrees, and my lazio boots will go back in their box til next fall. unlike chocolate, these puppies won't melt in the summer. see ya in september!

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